Women Empowerment Month- Guest Blogger Alexandra Roxo
Our Women Empowerment Month continues with us being lucky enough to introduce you to the one and only Alexandra Roxo!
1.Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am the Co-Founder of Moon Club, a Women’s Empowerment Community, Astrology and Moon Magic School, and Turbo Growth Accelerator for your Spirit and Business. I am a storyteller, healer, and writer as well. I've directed many films and written tons of articles and am super passionate about women's voice and sexual healing! I live in LA but have tight relationship with New York and love all things mystical.
2. What's been your biggest hurdle thus far?
My career was going in one direction and it stopped feeling good, I felt myself getting away from my main mission and veering towards what others defined as “success.” It was eating away at me. I was so unhappy. I was doing everything I thought was right but not listening to myself. I stopped and went inside myself for some time, really looked deep within, did a lot of healing work, and came forth reconnected to my Purpose.
3. How did you overcome it?
I I overcame this moment of feeling unsure about where I was going by listening to myself. I did deep healing work. Deep meditation. I wasn’t afraid to feel my feelings. To change. To transform. To not know what was going to happen next.
4. What advice do you have for other women?
Follow your heart. Not what other people tell you. Not your parents. Not your friends. Or your lovers. Develop a dialogue with your own heart, your own spirit. Because that will be the only thing that is with you forever.
5. Share with us one of your favorite inspirational quotes.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ― Anaïs Nin