Summer braids with our girl Ayns
Hi loves! I am Aynsley Ovard, from @aynsleyovard and I LOVE doing hair. I work at @lacedhairextensions in Sandy, Utah. It has always been a passion of mine to create fun braids, and looks that are quick and easy for all. So today you will, hopefully, walk away with a few new summer do's in your tool belt.
1. The loose middle braid

To begin, you'll separate the top half of your hair into three sections (side, middle, side.) Take the middle section and braid it from the front to the back and tie the end with an elastic. The key to this braid is to LOOSEN IT.... like, a lot. Most people are extremely nervous to loosen it too much. DON'T BE AFRAID! Pull the braid out loose so you get that big/full look. The final step is to pull the side pieces back and tie them **under** the braid. Aaaaaand, you're done! Hello, rad rocker babe!
3. The classy/Boho wrap around braid

Isn't this one gorgeous?! Sometimes, I do this in the car when I feel like I need to look a little more "done up"! Start by braiding the side of your hair from your part to the back of your head. Bring one hand to the back of your head and keep braiding until you reach the other side of your neck. (It takes some practice, so be patient with yourself!) Then you'll bring your hand forward in front of your face and finish braiding back up to your part. The key to this braid is hand placement! If you are trying to visualize it, imagine yourself braiding your hair in one giant circle, around your head. Your hand placement should be 1. in front of your face 2. behind your head 3. back to the front. Once you've finished braiding, go ahead and add pins where needed for extra security.
I HOPE those all made sense to you loves! You're always welcome to come see me at Laced Hair and I am happy to teach you more!
Happy braiding!
xo, Ayns
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Be sure to show us your summer braids over in Instagram! Tag us using #nenaandco, #nenatribe, and @nenaandco!