5 Nursery must haves by new mama Alexis Kaiser
Hi guys! It’s Alexis here again, I’m a fashion, lifestyle and beauty blogger from Provo, Utah. I’m 24 years old, married to my BFF Adam and we just welcomed our sweet baby girl Billie Stone Kaiser to the world on July 9th! To say things have been crazy around here would be an understatement!
I’m pretty stoked to team up with Nena & Co today to write about my 5 nursery must haves! Now that our little Bill has been here for 2 weeks I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I use and what I don’t use in her nursery. Hopefully I can be of some help to any future Mama’s-To-Be :)

It’s funny because I read quite a lot that you’ll never use your changing table it’s the biggest waste of money. But we LOVE ours! It’s nice to have a designated place to take your baby and clean their little bum. Plus, if you’re still warming up to poo explosions and getting peed on daily it’s nice to have a station where you don’t have to worry when/if accidents happen! Just toss the cover in the washer and you’re golden. Which BTW we’ve definitely washed our cover 4 times in the past week. Oops.

And make it a comfortable one. The rocking chair in Billie’s nursery was a splurge for us but I’m so glad we decided to go for it. Not only do I love the design but having a nice rocking chair that is comfortable has been so great. I can feed her comfortably there and read her books. I really love having a reading corner in general and think that’s definitely important to incorporate in your little one’s nursery!

Not only is this a perk for mama, but baby too. We love this faux fur machine washable rug we picked up. I love it because it adds some fun texture to the space and I love that we can use it for when Billie gets a little older and we can lay it under her play gym.

I love baby wearing and think it’s so important for mama and baby. Not only that, but they’re super cute and really add some fun texture to the space! We braided ours to break them in and we really love the way they look in the space!

Obviously this one is kind of important. We’ve been keeping our little Bill in close quarters since she got home, but we can’t wait to use the crib once she gets a little older. I think investing in a quality crib that is convertible and will last you through all your babies is totally worth it! Find one you love. Purchase it one time, and keep it forever. That was kind of the way I thought about all of her pieces in her room. I wanted them to be able to be used for all our future babies. I think designing a space to your little one is so fun and a great way to nest. I remember before she came I would just step into her nursery and stand there and stare with excitement and awe that we’d really have a little girl in there someday. Decorating has always been therapeutic for me and I was so happy to get to create a space for my baby girl.
Anyways, my mom brain is shutting down from no sleep :) Hope you guys enjoyed this and head over to my Instagram for the full nursery reveal!
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If you enjoyed this post, you'll LOVE following Alexis on Instagram (@alexisjadekaiser) and her blog: alternativeindigo.com. We'd also love to see your nursery ideas! Share them with us using #nenaandco and #nenatribe on Instagram.