Naouriz Inoubli ft. Heritage & Society Womanhood Perfect Bag
With every new Heritage & Society Womanhood Collection release we find a woman we admire to represent the collection and the symbolism that comes with the collection. As we searched for the icon (person) to represent “Womanhood,” it dawned on me that not one woman can represent us all! We needed more women from different backgrounds, different problems, different perspectives, and different victories; because although we as women have so much in common, we are also so unique and special, and that needed to be represented.
Meet our first 2020 Womanhood Icon, Naouriz Inoubli:

- Where are you from? How did this shape the person that you are today? Born in Tunisia but grew up in Germany. Then we spent 2 years in the US and 2 years in the UK. Traveling like that and settling in different places as a child, is exactly what has shaped me into who I am today! Knowing that change isn’t a bad thing, it just means growth. Experiencing the uncomfortable and unknown can sometimes contribute to so much growth.
- Can you tell us a little bit about where you live now? What’s your favorite part? California and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. The beach, the beach, the beach. My happy place. And the endless palm trees!!!!
- What did you want to be growing up? A fashion designer! And I did pursue that as much as I could, then at some point I told myself, I can teach myself how to make clothes, and so I did! 🥰
- What was your first job – what/where? My very first job was with a seamstress!
- Toughest obstacle you’ve overcome? Moving to California. After settling in Germany and becoming a young woman that felt so comfortable in her own skin and where she was at in life, I felt really good. Then I made the big decision of moving to California. So much change. And it was so tough at first. But now, I LOVE it. It’s home and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. (See what I mean, change=growth!)
- What drew you to your current career? My babies! I work for wildbird and have always loved babywearing. But man, the beauty of slinging just gave me this empowerment I never knew I could find within a babywearing brand and community! We have such an amazing community!
- What are essential skills for being successful at your job? Loving people. I love people and love our community so so much.
- Proudest work moment? Every day is a proud work moment. I am so honored and proud to be part of wildbird. Actually, one thing I would probably for sure count as a proud moment is when giving our customers some input as to how they can adjust their sling for more comfort.. when they come back and feel like the sling clicked for them! Yay!! Love when that happens 🥰
- Favorite part of your job? The babies! All the cute babies!!! And our team. I Love love love them so much.
- What does your typical work day look like? Very busy from the moment we get up until the moment we are in bed... but in the best way possible! While tending to my babies at home and homeschooling.. hence busy 🤭
- What do you do outside of your job? Mama and wife! I am a mama and so happy that I am.
- Do you travel a lot for your job? Where is the most beautiful place you ever visited? Not necessarily. But visiting Utah was actually super exciting!!! I’ve always wanted to go! Next time I need to see more of Utah’s nature!
- Favorite place you’ve ever visited and why? Oooh tough one! Sicily and Tunisia! I’m from Tunisia and would spend all my summers there visiting grandparents and family, enjoying looooong beach days and exploring different beaches! Italy, well its Italy! Yummmmmyy food
- What makes you feel confident? I think confidence is something we experience in different ways. One day it may be because I had a really good day with my kids and everything went really well, so I feel confident in motherhood. One day it may be my job, the other it may be a moment that fulfills me as a friend. It really depends. But I think confidence is experienced when we don’t strive for perfection. Just strive to be authentic. Authenticity and confidence are like besties. Inseparable
- Who is your style icon? I have soooo many! It can be a teen wearing the cutest funkiest fit with so much confidence. It can be a blogger. A fashion designer. A gentlemen walking down the street in Laguna. I pull inspo from everyone. Quite literally. I’ve always been like that. 🥰
- Your anthem/theme song? I don’t think I have one!
- What song would describe you best? Gosh I don’t know haha
- How does your job influence your personal style? All the slings! So I love matching my clothes to them! But still stay true to me and my style
- What's your favorite soup? Shurba.. Tunisian tomato soup! Yummm the best!
- If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sandals, Jeans and a cute oversized blouse. A unique ring. And my hijab. Cannot forget my hijab! Haha
- What's in your Nena bag? My wallet, phone, keys, lipstick/lipgloss, LEGO’s & Cars (boy Mama here) and diapers and bib... oh and a sling! Never without a sling.
- What are your top 3 work must-haves? Top 3 beauty must-haves? Good facial cleanser! Lipstick/gloss and bronzer
- What are three things you cannot live without? My family. My family. My family.
- Most embarrassing outfit you’ve ever worn? so so many! But... they were creative lol! Embarrassingly creative 🤭
- One piece of advice you’d give your younger self? Be exactly who you are. Be happy and everything, literally everything will fall into place. Just enjoy life. Even the lows. Because the highs will come. Always!
- What do you love most about being a woman? We are magical. We just are. From things like our emotional intelligence to our physique. We are magic and powerful. Fertility is powerful and can be something that is painful and raw and hard, but at the end of the day beautiful. Being a woman is complex. And I love us. We are worth celebrating all day every day! And that’s something I’ve learned over the years! We are magic.
- What legacy do you want to leave behind? I want to leave behind a legacy of love and empowerment. And I’m hoping to achieve that in passing it on to my boys. I wish for them to carry a piece of me and pass that on to their children. Be authentic and love people. Respect people. Embrace people.
- What does womanhood mean to you? Oh womanhood... how personal and magical you are. I find it hard to speak on the topic of womanhood because I know for a fact how complex it is. It’s powerful. It means something uniquely different to each one of us. Womanhood... we are magical. It is truly hard for me to define it. It’s so deep and complex. But we are magic. No doubt.